2023 Ewha In­ter­na­ti­o­nal CO-ED Sum­mer Col­lege (EISC)

 |  Internationales

Ehwa University (Seuol, Korea) is in the midst of receiving application for the 2023 Ewha International CO-ED Summer College (EISC). The program dates are as follows:

Session 1: June 26 - July 24, 2023 (4 weeks)

Session 2: August 3 - 17, 2023 (2 weeks)

Students joining Session 1 can choose from approximately 30 courses in the fields of Arts & Music, Business & Economics, East Asian Studies, Humanities, Social Science and Science & Engineering. They may also choose to take Korean Language classes.

Students joining Session 2 will take Korean language classes and special lectures on a variety of topics.

For both sessions exciting and fun field trips will be prepared that may include (but are not limited to!) a trip to the DMZ, traditional palaces, cooking classes, etc.

Please refer to the brochure for more information.